
The Skin-Deep Benefits of Spermidine: A Comprehensive Look

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Today we're diving into an exciting topic that's been making waves in the skin-care world: spermidine. While it might not be the first thing you think of when considering skincare, this naturally-occurring compound has some impressive benefits that are worth exploring. So, grab yourself a cup of green tea (which, by the way, is rich in spermidine), and let's get into it!

What is Spermidine?

First things first, what exactly is spermidine? Spermidine is a type of polyamine found in all living cells, known to be involved in a number of cellular processes such as growth, proliferation, and regeneration. This molecule is also found in foods like wheat germ, soybeans, aged cheese, and mushrooms.

While spermidine is naturally produced within the body, this production slows as we age and makes us much more reliant on intake from food or supplementation.

Most people know spermidine for its age-defying benefits, with studies showing it to "delay aging" in humans and target the hallmarks of aging, however, it also has the ability to enhance skin health.

The Science Behind Spermidine and Skin Health

Boosting Cellular Renewal

One of the standout benefits of spermidine is its ability to promote autophagy—our body's internal 'housekeeping' process that clears and recycles damaged or dead cells and cell parts.

As cells are foundational to every part of us, this process is crucial for maintaining youthful, vibrant skin. For the skin to perform its protective function, dead skin cells need to be regularly removed. If these cells accumulate, they can irritate the skin and this may trigger an immune response or inflammation [1]. By supporting sufficient autophagy, spermidine helps ensure this process runs smoothly, reducing the risk of skin irritation or unwanted immune reactions [2] (read more on this below).  

Improved Skin Barrier Function

The skin barrier is our first line of defence against foreign invaders - like bacteria, toxins, and pollution - therefore, maintaining its integrity is absolutely crucial for healthy skin. Spermidine supports the health of the skin barrier by promoting the growth and differentiation of keratinocytes, the cells that compose the outermost layer of the skin [3]. This helps the skin retain moisture and protects against environmental irritants.

According to research, spermidine helps to enhance skin barrier function, leading to improved hydration and resilience against external stressors [4]. For instance, an animal study published in cell communication and signalling found that both topical and systemically administered spermidine accelerated the skin-wound repair process. This implies that spermidine is supportive in wound healing as well as overall skin health [5].

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Inflammation is named as one of the hallmarks of aging and can often be a key player in many skin issues. Research has shown that spermidine can effectively modulate the body’s inflammatory response, leading to reduced chronic inflammation—a key factor in skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Spermidine is thought to achieve this through regulating the genetic pathways that control the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines—proteins that are key drivers of inflammation—effectively reducing inflammation at the cellular level [6]. This reduction in inflammation is crucial for managing skin conditions where excessive inflammation can exacerbate symptoms. Additionally, by dampening inflammation, spermidine not only aids in quicker wound healing but also helps to minimise the signs of skin aging.

Antioxidant Effects

Oxidative stress arises when there is an imbalance between free radicals—unstable molecules that can damage cells—and the body's antioxidant defenses. Spermidine, with its powerful antioxidant properties, offers a protective shield against the oxidative stress that accelerates skin aging. While research has demonstrated spermidine's ability to neutralize free radicals in various biological settings [7], its direct impact on skin health hasn't been fully established. However, it’s reasonable to extrapolate that maintaining optimal spermidine levels could help prevent cellular damage caused by oxidative stress. This, in turn, may reduce or delay the formation of wrinkles, fine lines, and the loss of skin elasticity typically associated with aging. By acting as an antioxidant, spermidine could play a key role in preserving youthful, resilient skin.

Collagen Production

Collagen is the protein responsible for keeping our skin firm, plump, and elastic. As we age, collagen production naturally declines, leading to wrinkles and sagging skin. Spermidine has been shown to stimulate collagen synthesis, which can help maintain skin structure and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Research published in Communications Biology in 2021 suggests that spermidine can enhance collagen production, thereby supporting skin's structural integrity and elasticity [8].

The Skin Microbiome

The skin microbiome is composed of millions of beneficial bacteria, viruses, and fungi established at birth and can gradually change with age. Imbalance in this microbiome at any time in the life cycle can contribute to skin diseases and conditions like atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and acnes. In a study conducted in 2021, which explored the age-associated changes of the skin microbiome, spermidine supplementation positively affected the growth of at least two bacteria S. pneumoniae and S infantis that promote positive skin health [8]. Benefits to other players in the skin microbiome remain to be reviewed.

The Gut-Skin Axis 

As a final point, it is worth mentioning the gut-skin axis, which refers to the direct communication between the gut and the skin. This connection is regulated through various mechanisms, including the immune system and inflammatory responses. A healthy gut microbiome—a balanced community of microorganisms in the digestive tract—is crucial for maintaining skin health. Disruptions in gut health, known as gut dysbiosis, can negatively affect the skin. According to research, spermidine helps improve gut dysbiosis, stabilizing the gut microbiome. This has a plethora of health benefits (to find out more visit our blog post: Spermidine and the Gut-Brain Connection). A balanced gut microbiome helps regulate systemic inflammation and supports a healthy immune response, which are essential for maintaining clear and resilient skin. Therefore, via this gut-skin axis, spermidine may have an indirect benefit to skin health. 

How to Incorporate Spermidine into Your Routine

Now that we know how spermidine benefits the skin, the next question is: how can you incorporate it into your daily routine? 

  • Dietary Sources: Include spermidine-rich foods like wheat germ, soy products, aged cheese, and mushrooms in your diet.
  • Supplements: Consider spermidine supplements, like Primeadine®, which can provide a more concentrated dose.
  • Topical Products: Look for skincare products that contain spermidine or promote autophagy for an added boost to your skincare regimen. There are limited quality topical spermidine skincare products on the market, but a top tip (and something many of our clients do) is to add a tsp of our powder or the contents of 3 capsules to a face mask or face cream. 
    1. Final Thoughts

      Spermidine is proving to be a game-changer in the realm of skin health, offering a range of benefits from boosting collagen production to enhancing the skin barrier and reducing inflammation. While more research is always beneficial, the existing studies paint a promising picture of how this compound can help us maintain healthy, youthful skin.

      So, why not give spermidine a try? Whether through diet, supplements, or topical applications, this little molecule might just be the key to unlocking healthy skin as you age!


      [1] Sil, P., Wong, S. W., & Martinez, J. (2018). More than skin deep: Autophagy is vital for skin barrier function. Frontiers in Immunology, 9(JUN), 381845. https://doi.org/10.3389/FIMMU.2018.01376/BIBTEX

      [2] Hofer, S.J., Simon, A.K., Bergmann, M. et al. Mechanisms of spermidine-induced autophagy and geroprotection. Nat Aging 2, 1112–1129 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43587-022-00322-9

      [3] Yousef H, Alhajj M, Fakoya AO, et al. Anatomy, Skin (Integument), Epidermis. [Updated 2024 Jun 8]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK470464/

      [4] Kim, G., Kim, M., Kim, M. et al. Spermidine-induced recovery of human dermal structure and barrier function by skin microbiome. Commun Biol 4, 231 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-020-01619-4

      [5] Ito D, Ito H, Ideta T, Kanbe A, Ninomiya S, Shimizu M. Systemic and topical administration of spermidine accelerates skin wound healing. Cell Commun Signal. 2021 Mar 22;19(1):36. doi: 10.1186/s12964-021-00717-y. PMID: 33752688; PMCID: PMC7986284.

      [6] Choi, Y.H., Park, H.Y. Anti-inflammatory effects of spermidine in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated BV2 microglial cells. J Biomed Sci 19, 31 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1186/1423-0127-19-31

      [7] Jeong JW, Cha HJ, Han MH, Hwang SJ, Lee DS, Yoo JS, Choi IW, Kim S, Kim HS, Kim GY, Hong SH, Park C, Lee HJ, Choi YH. Spermidine Protects against Oxidative Stress in Inflammation Models Using Macrophages and Zebrafish. Biomol Ther (Seoul). 2018 Mar 1;26(2):146-156. doi: 10.4062/biomolther.2016.272. PMID: 28365977; PMCID: PMC5839493.

      [8] Kim, G., Kim, M., Kim, M. et al. Spermidine-induced recovery of human dermal structure and barrier function by skin microbiome. Commun Biol 4, 231 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-020-01619-4



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