japanese fermented soybean dish natto | Oxford Healthspan

7 Japanese Anti Aging Secrets Hidden in their Food

The Japanese are known for their longevity as a population in spite of widespread smoking and drinking among their equally famous 'salarymen,' but once you leave the big cities and head into the co...

AutophagyWhy Take Autophagy Supplements? | Oxford Healthspan

Why take Autophagy Supplements?

If you’re searching for autophagy supplements, there’s no doubt that you know just what autophagy (pronounced “aw-TAW-fuh-gee”) is. But just in case you don’t, here’s a simple reminder: it is our b...

Japanese WisdomHow to find your ikigai & live longer and better | Oxford Healthspan

How to find your ikigai & live longer and better

For our regular readers, it will come as no surprise that the team at Oxford Healthspan are deeply invested in understanding and sharing Japanese anti-aging secrets.

AutophagyHow To Improve Longevity In The Third Age | Oxford Healthspan

How to Improve Longevity in the Third Age

There are over one billion people over the age of 60 and experts tell us that that it's not unreasonable to expect to live until we're in our 90's or 100's. So as we enter what American gerontology...

Japanese WisdomHow the Japanese start the New Year

How the Japanese start the New Year

Japan is famous for its long-lived, health conscious  population, and this is in part due to their food-as-medicine approach, and their traditions around the New Year are no different. These are tw...

RecipesAutophagy Tea Recipe | Oxford Healthspan

Autophagy Tea Recipe: Activate Autophagy with a Herbal Brew

Recipe from our friends at the Biohacker Center in Helsinki, Finland to support enhance your fasting experience!