japanese fermented soybean dish natto | Oxford Healthspan

7 Japanese Anti Aging Secrets Hidden in their Food

The Japanese are known for their longevity as a population in spite of widespread smoking and drinking among their equally famous 'salarymen,' but once you leave the big cities and head into the co...

AutophagyLotus Leaf | Oxford Healthspan

Why take Autophagy Supplements?

If you’re searching for autophagy supplements, there’s no doubt that you know just what autophagy (pronounced “aw-TAW-fuh-gee”) is. But just in case you don’t, here’s a simple reminder: it is our b...

Japanese WisdomHow to find your ikigai & live longer and better | Oxford Healthspan

How to Find Your Ikigai & Live Longer and Better

For our regular readers, it will come as no surprise that the team at Oxford Healthspan are deeply invested in understanding and sharing Japanese anti-aging secrets.

Japanese WisdomJapanese Amazake: The Perfect Winter Drink | Oxford Healthspan

Leslie's Corner: (Baby) It's cold outside: time for some Japanese Amazake!

When it is cold like this in winter, all you want is a hot, comforting drink like “Amazake (甘酒)”, which means “sweet sake” in Japanese. You will see people selling it when you visit Shinto shrines ...

PolyaminesLeslie's Corner: Intimacy, Spermidine & Health

Leslie's Corner: Intimacy, Spermidine & Health

You probably know the importance to our mental and physical wellbeing of being emotionally connected to others, but did you know that being physically connected also improves our health?