Inflammation & "Inflammaging": Hallmark of Aging #11 | Oxford Healthspan

Inflammation & "Inflammaging": Hallmark of Aging #11

Inflammation is a recognizable accompaniment to aging. Demonstrably, over one in four American adults between the ages 45 and 64 and nearly half of all Americans over 65 have been diagnosed with o...

AutophagyMature woman with good skin | Oxford Healthspan

Autophagy Benefits for Skin Radiance & Renewal

I don’t need to tell you that there are several industries focused on selling you things to improve your skin or at least to look younger and better. From skin care and makeup, cosmetic surgeries a...

Japanese WisdomJapanese Longevity Scrolls | Oxford Healthspan

The Origin of Sperm-i-dine: Is Spermidine Really in Sperm?

Anton van Leeuwenhoek, the microscopy pioneer, described crystals in human semen in 1678, and named them spermine and spermidine. A few hundred years later, these crystals, now called polyamines, a...

AutophagyAutophagy Image shows a cell with mitochondria | Oxford Healthspan.

Disabled Macroautophagy: Hallmark of Aging #10

Macroautophagy is one type of autophagy and involves the containment of cytoplasmic material into vesicles, whose contents are later digested or broken down into parts by lysosomes, another cellula...

Hallmarks Of AgingAltered Intracellular Communication: Hallmark of Aging #9

Altered Intracellular Communication: Hallmark of Aging #9

As people (and their cells) age, the communication between their cells change. Although the cells aren’t deciding not to communicate, the communication becomes deregulated particularly as inflammat...

BeautyStem Cell Exhaustion: Hallmark of Aging #8

Stem Cell Exhaustion: Hallmark of Aging #8

The latest anti-aging skincare product might promise to repair, renew, and rejuvenate, however, they don’t promise to regrow. Only your stem cells can do that; but this is actually what you need most.